List of all Aruba exams

ACCP-v6.2: Certified Aruba Clearpass Professional v6.2
ACMP_6.4: Certified Aruba Mobility Professional 6.4

What is Certification?

Certification is an amazing path to a high-paying career in one of the best jobs in the world without spending thousands of dollars to attend a four-year college. The process is actually quite simple. Candidates choose a desired certification, such as the CCNA. They train, pay to take the exam, fulfill a list of requirements, and voila! They are certified in a specific field. There are literally hundreds of certifications in almost any subject requiring high-level skills. Certification exists at every level of the industry, from networking with Cisco to running a cloud server with Amazon AWS.

Why Would I Ever Want to Get Certified?

You probably know “what” certificates represent, but you’re probably wondering “why” they matter. Did you know that millions of high-paying tech jobs went unfilled in 2018? Employers are desperate to hire qualified workers who have tangible proof that they can do their jobs well. Imagine working in an office and earning $60,000 or $70,000 a year after spending just a few intensive months earning a certification. Thanks to certifications from providers like CompTIA, this is a reality. What’s more, the certification journey never stops. It’s a lifelong process where you can test, study, and earn numerous certifications that improve your skills and increase your value as an employee. Some certifications, such as ISACA, take many years to earn, but you earn a large six-figure sum each year and are a marketable commodity.

What Does Certification Mean?

Getting a job in the tech industry is not difficult if you have a good skill set. However, proving that skill set is nearly impossible. You can’t just show up to an interview and say, “I’m good with computers.”

Without an industry-approved certification from a vendor like Aruba, employers can’t trust that you know what you know. What’s more, these certifications aren’t just a piece of paper. Getting an A+ certification is hard work, but it automatically tells employers that you have a real skill set, honed and tested. They teach amazing skills that will make your job easier and more profitable. Whether it’s a cybersecurity certification like Security+ or an MCSD certification, these challenging certifications take time, effort, and offer huge rewards!

Why Aruba.

Certification takes time and money, so you should choose a certification issuing institution that offers real value. Aruba is known for offering quality exams that offer many great certifications. You’ll get a world-class job by taking whatever certification path they offer, and hopefully you’ll learn some incredible new skills along the way! After all, Aruba is known in the industry and produces employees who work all over the world in various technology niches. Whether it’s a single exam or multiple exams, you’ll find everything Aruba has to offer at ExamTopics and get you started on your path to a successful career.

Why Use ExamTopics?
So it’s nice to know that you can get certified and start earning big bucks without spending years studying. But why would you choose us over other sources for preparation?

We at ExamTopics believe that you should work smarter, not harder . When looking for certifications, you are often overwhelmed by the sheer size of the IT industry and all the information you need to become certified. In fact, some certification providers offer short courses to potential candidates just so they can understand all the courses the provider offers! No one wants to spend hundreds of hours sorting through training materials and supplies, especially if they won’t be relevant to the exam or job requirements. To combat this, websites offering simplified exam guides and great materials have started popping up on the Internet, but many competing websites fail to be a good source for exam preparation.

On these low quality exam preparation sites, you may encounter problems such as CAPTCHA controls, subscription fees, poorly sourced and updated materials, and worst of all, commission fees.

What sets ExamTopics apart from other sources for exam preparation is our dedication to you, the community. We are in this business because we love technology, we love certification, and we love helping others. Everything on ExamTopics is offered absolutely free. We’re also building a community of experts and friends who have the tools you need to do something great. Whether it’s asking for help on difficult subjects or teaching new tech professionals how to understand important concepts, you’re working with us to help build this amazing community. It’s easy to use. Easy to search. Advanced and relevant. ExamTopics is an exciting project that will help you get the result you’ve always dreamed of.

Just because we are a community, don’t think we lack quality! ExamTopics constantly updates each exam and has a team of experts who review the materials looking for flaws and problems. Our practice exams look like real tests you might encounter in the real world, and our study guides, or brainteasers as industry veterans call them, are so good that our competitors steal them! We just know that our material is some of the best out there and, as we’ve said before, it’s completely free. There’s no catch. No CAPACITY. No barriers to learning and building your dream career.

We say what we say, but we also act on it. Don’t just trust us: if you’re still hesitant about using ExamTopics, we understand that any new tool can be a little intimidating. It takes time to get a feel for even the best tools. We recommend checking out some of our most popular exams so you can see the hard work we put into making ExamTopics the best resource and exam prep community you can find. Read the comments, ask others, and dive in. We believe in ExamTopics and are willing to put our reputation on the line for being the best source for exam preparation you’ll find. So take a minute right now and prove us right, browse our materials, learn about the new exam and start studying! It will change your life.